
Meltblown nonwovens 

Made in Austria

We have specialised in the production of high-quality meltblown nonwovens. As the only meltblown plant in the country, we set standards for quality and innovation. Our meltblown nonwovens are made from various thermoplastic polymers such as Polypropylene, PA, TPU and CoPA.

These nonwovens are used in various applications, including face masks, filter media, absorbent materials and much more.

Meltblown plant

The only system in Austria

Meltblowing is a unique one-step process for producing self-bonded fibrous nonwoven membranesdirectly from polymer resins, with average fiber diameter ranging between 0,5 and 2 µm.

CO free production

We help you to minimise your CO footprint

By using 100% hydropower energy, we can guarantee CO-neutral production and thus help our customers to minimise their COfootprint.


We are the first company in the world to produce

  • Nonwoven with a negative CO footprint
  • Climate-neutral and recyclable FFP2 masks
  • Climate-neutral oil absorbers

C2C Certified® Material Health Gold

for our filtration product group: Filtration Products, Technical Textiles

We have great news: Our technical nonwovens for air and liquid filters made of polypropylene have been awarded the C2C Certified® Material Health Gold certificate!

This award confirms that our technical non-woven fabrics for air and liquid filters meet the highest health and environmental standards.

For our customers, this means even more transparency, safety, and sustainable quality.

What’s included in our product group of technical nonwovens for air and liquid filters made of polypropylene?

From technical non-woven fabrics for air filters to oil absorbents and dust filters, we offer solutions for a variety of applications.

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Meltblown nonwovens

  • Technical polymers

    • PP
    • TPU
    • PA
    • PBT
  • Biobased polymers

    • PLA
    • PBS
    • PVA
  • Special polymers

    • CoPa
    • CoPes
    • KHD


Our range includes nonwovens in a variety of specifications for different industries.

Are you looking for alternatives? We can also gladly assess the suitability for your specific application area.

Please contact us

 Production technologies:

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